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Reef Sharks Attack in Lake Tinaroo

The Cairns Water Polo club, aka the Reef Sharks, dipped their toes in Lake Tinaroo over the past weekend for a fun filled freshwater tournament. Players traveled from as far south as Townsville to participate in the second annual Tinaroo Fives event.

Although the lake was experiencing very windy conditions, the field was set up in a perfectly sheltered cove with a private sandy beach to boot!

Four mixed teams battled it out on the day on a quest to achieve aquatic supremacy, scenes reminiscent of the famous Sydney Olympic Games.

A strong Water Dragons outfit, lead by spearhead Ryan Barton and superfish, Megan Hendry, took on the fabled Pelicans for the silverware in the final bout of the day. The top notch spectacle saw a back and forwards affair with no team giving an inch. The Pelicans, inspired by their goalkeeper Amelia Buckley's birthday wishes, knuckled down in a tough second half to tame the mighty Water Dragons.

All players left the water with a smile on their dial, with water polo being the true winner at the end of the day.

Our sites are set for our next venture up the range with the Crater Lake Series in early 2021!


Cairns Water Polo Inc.

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